MINISTER LAING: I imagine a day when any Bahamian with a dream to further his or her hopes, dreams and aspirations by building a successful business will be able to:
(i) Take his business idea and have it translated into a professional business plan capable of withstanding the most robust of scrutiny by finaciers/investors and financial institutions no matter where in the world that scrutiny occurs,
(ii) Access capital on favourable and appropriate terms from a variety of funding sources (Venture Capitalist, Commercial Banks, Angel Investors, etc.) no matter where in the world they may exist,
(iii) Receive, where appropriate, administrative, human resource, technological and professional technical assistance for a period of time here at home,
(iv) Graduate to a level of independent operation that enables him or her to be competitive both at home and abroad, and (v) Lend their developed expertise and experience to the mentoring of other business aspirants as they achieve success.
This is a day toward which we, as a Government, our working.
Promoting our citizens’ increased ownership of the Bahamian economy is a fundamental objective of the Free National Movement/Ingraham administration. We pursued this in our first two terms in office, which saw some fourteen enterprises come into broad public ownership. We also created new facilities to support small and medium size business growth, including:
The Item 8 provision of the Tariff Act which allows exclusively Bahamian owned cottage businesses